data erasure methods

Data Destruction

On our own premises or on site. We use various data destruction methods for this that are always responsible and ISO-certified. You will get an extensive report of the data destruction, because customization and secure data disposal go hand in hand here. Over recent years, our processes have been refined down to the tiniest details. So our work is always thorough and secure.

Inkopen ICT assets

ICT Value Recovery

Is your old hardware worth anything? Yes, quite often. It’s easy to find out what your end-of-life hardware can bring in. When we purchase your equipment, the data is always destroyed at that time: responsibly, in line with our certification, and in a way than minimizes the use of raw materials. You can also always use our logistics service – we can arrange everything from valuation to transport.

Smart recycling solutions

Smart Recycling Solutions

Maximum reuse and the circular economy: those are aspects we find important at 7Digits. For recycling, we work with Dutch recycling companies who are all Weeelabex certified. We ourselves are also ISO 14001 certified. That process describes how 7Digits can manage environmental risks in a process-oriented way. This helps us achieve our environmental objectives.

it hardware doneren

Donate IT hardware

Donate your IT hardware – making the world better for humans and animals, as well as keeping the environment healthy. That’s what we call ‘inspiring circularity’. At 7Digits, we very much want to close the circle. That’s why we will find new owners for the servers, computers and laptops you are disposing of. Equipment that is donated is wiped, tested, repaired and then given a new lease of life.

ITAD partner 7Digits Team

About us

Secure, trusted and circular? Certainly. That’s what we stand for and we’ve made it our mission: less e-waste and a circular economy. A better world with a healthy and improved environment: that’s what we call ‘inspiring circularity’. At 7Digits, our aim is to make the circle more perfect every day.

iso gecertificeerd


Breaches of sensitive data have the potential to pose a risk  to your organization. At 7Digits, we delete your confidential data fully securely. We therefore have extensive ISO certification: ISO 27001, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001, and certified as an ITAD partner.  Together we can ensure responsible data destruction.

ICT value recovery

7Digits, all-round expert in ITAD.

Sustainable digital future

Of course, as we are an all-round ITAD partner, we are happy to help achieve circular processes. Data security is the top priority throughout the process, from picking up the equipment to rehoming or recycling it. That’s the combination that we are proud of: protecting your business against data leaks and reputational damage while minimizing the environmental impact.

We also buy in hardware, because our processes give new value to things that your company deems worthless. We call this ICT Value Recovery.

We offer extensive reporting options and full customization as well. To name a few: on- and off- site erasing-, (hybrid)destruction- of data carriers with optional picture taking. Equally important refurbishing-, repurposing-, value recovery– services and last but not least ; we also facilitate transport.