Donate IT hardware, giving ICT a second life while contributing to a good cause. With 7Digits, you can donate the residual value of your written-off hardware to various foundations and charities.
As a company, you can choose a charity that aligns with your business. Whether you want to contribute to a local, national, or international cause, it’s all possible! We work with various organizations, including the Voedselbank Haaglanden and Stichting Kwasa.
Charities with an ANBI status are even more attractive to donate to. ANBI stands for Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (Public Benefit Organization), and these organizations have no profit motive. You can find all organizations with this status in the ANBI register.
Feel free to choose a organization. Contact 7Digits at or call us at +31(0)15 750 10 15.
We understand that you have a passion for a specific organization
Which is why you can choose which charity you want to support. This way, you can give back to society and contribute to a better world.
Donate IT hardware how IT works:
- Donate surplus IT hardware, such as laptops, computers, and servers to 7Digits.
- 7Digits appraises the hardware and securely removes all data according to AVG legislation.
- The residual value of the hardware is fully donated to a charity or organization of your choice.
- We handle the processing for you.
- By giving your hardware a second life, you contribute to a more sustainable world.
Appraising old IT equipment can also help determine the residual value and identify equipment that is still usable. This means we reuse items instead of throwing them away and get the most out of IT devices.
7Digits proudly supports the Voedselbank Haaglanden
This non-profit organization tirelessly helps people in the Haaglanden region (the municipalities of The Hague, Rijswijk, and Zoetermeer) who have difficulty buying sufficient food. They are very good at working with local businesses, supermarkets, and other organizations to collect and distribute food to those in need. With the help of volunteers and donations, they are able to provide thousands of people (8200 people in 2022) with food packages every year and make a difference in their lives.
By donating the residual value of your IT hardware to the Voedselbank Haaglanden, you can contribute to this noble effort and help people in need. For example, your donation can be used to compile food packages that are healthy and nutritious, providing people in the Haaglanden region with access to good food. This not only helps people in need but also helps reduce food waste, as the Voedselbank Haaglanden is actively working to reduce food waste.
And that’s not all! By giving your hardware a second life, you also help reduce e-waste and contribute to a more sustainable future. This way, you can make a difference on multiple fronts and contribute to a better world.
The Kwasa foundation
This organization is committed to the development of underprivileged children and youth in South Africa.
The Kwasa foundation was founded in 2008 to work with its South African partner organization TransCape to implement small-scale development projects in the rural Eastern Cape of South Africa. With various projects and programs, the foundation aims to provide children and youth with a better future. The various projects focus on promoting education, providing micro-credit, and educating about HIV & AIDS.
Circle complete?
Almost. Because we keep working towards a better world for people, animals, and a healthy environment. We call it inspiring circularity. And at 7Digits, we have the ambition to complete the circle. Donated equipment is tested, repaired, and then remarketed. Your outdated servers, computers, and laptops find new owners. Because we believe that a complete circle begins with a dot on the horizon.
So, what are you waiting for? Make a difference in the lives of others and contribute to a better future by donating the residual value of your IT hardware and supporting a charity of your choice.
Do you want additional information on how to donate your IT hardware to a charity of your choice? Send an email to, and our team will be happy to help.

Donate IT hardware, giving ICT a second life while contributing to a good cause. With 7Digits, you can donate the residual value of your written-off hardware to various foundations and charities.
As a company, you can choose a charity that aligns with your business. Whether you want to contribute to a local, national, or international cause, it’s all possible! We work with various organizations, including the Voedselbank Haaglanden and Stichting Kwasa.
Charities with an ANBI status are even more attractive to donate to. ANBI stands for Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (Public Benefit Organization), and these organizations have no profit motive. You can find all organizations with this status in the ANBI register.
Feel free to choose a organization. Contact 7Digits at or call us at +31(0)15 750 10 15.
We understand that you have a passion for a specific organization
Which is why you can choose which charity you want to support. This way, you can give back to society and contribute to a better world.
Donate IT hardware how IT works:
- Donate surplus IT hardware, such as laptops, computers, and servers to 7Digits.
- 7Digits appraises the hardware and securely removes all data according to AVG legislation.
- The residual value of the hardware is fully donated to a charity or organization of your choice.
- We handle the processing for you.
- By giving your hardware a second life, you contribute to a more sustainable world.
Appraising old IT equipment can also help determine the residual value and identify equipment that is still usable. This means we reuse items instead of throwing them away and get the most out of IT devices.
7Digits proudly supports the Voedselbank Haaglanden
This non-profit organization tirelessly helps people in the Haaglanden region (the municipalities of The Hague, Rijswijk, and Zoetermeer) who have difficulty buying sufficient food. They are very good at working with local businesses, supermarkets, and other organizations to collect and distribute food to those in need. With the help of volunteers and donations, they are able to provide thousands of people (8200 people in 2022) with food packages every year and make a difference in their lives.
By donating the residual value of your IT hardware to the Voedselbank Haaglanden, you can contribute to this noble effort and help people in need. For example, your donation can be used to compile food packages that are healthy and nutritious, providing people in the Haaglanden region with access to good food. This not only helps people in need but also helps reduce food waste, as the Voedselbank Haaglanden is actively working to reduce food waste.
And that’s not all! By giving your hardware a second life, you also help reduce e-waste and contribute to a more sustainable future. This way, you can make a difference on multiple fronts and contribute to a better world.
The Kwasa foundation
This organization is committed to the development of underprivileged children and youth in South Africa.
The Kwasa foundation was founded in 2008 to work with its South African partner organization TransCape to implement small-scale development projects in the rural Eastern Cape of South Africa. With various projects and programs, the foundation aims to provide children and youth with a better future. The various projects focus on promoting education, providing micro-credit, and educating about HIV & AIDS.
Circle complete?
Almost. Because we keep working towards a better world for people, animals, and a healthy environment. We call it inspiring circularity. And at 7Digits, we have the ambition to complete the circle. Donated equipment is tested, repaired, and then remarketed. Your outdated servers, computers, and laptops find new owners. Because we believe that a complete circle begins with a dot on the horizon.
So, what are you waiting for? Make a difference in the lives of others and contribute to a better future by donating the residual value of your IT hardware and supporting a charity of your choice.
Do you want additional information on how to donate your IT hardware to a charity of your choice? Send an email to, and our team will be happy to help.